The professors of the Faculty of Medicine / Kerbala University participate in the National Diabetes Summit

A number of the faculty of the Faculty of Medicine – University of Kerbala participated in the National Diabetes Summit Conference that was held in Arbil and on the 27th and 28th of September 2019 and represented the Faculty of Medicine both ”by Professor Dr. Riyad Mustafa Al-Saleh and Dr. Hamid Hussain Al-Tarfi to give lectures as well as the active attendance of Dr. Zainab Shaker Mahmoud The conference aimed to address the latest developments in the treatment of diabetes and how to prevent it, while this conference was attended by a group of professors and specialized doctors from various governorates of Iraq who had an active role in enriching the topics presented at this conference where problems and obstacles were encountered in the management and treatment of Diabetes in Iraq, how to overcome and avoid it, and what are the best solutions to reach the best results in managing diabetes in Iraq.