Channel (EMSWP)

Karbala University College of Medicine – Introduces EMSWP channel with ECFMG to take the USMLE exam

The Faculty of Medicine / University of Karbala created a mediation channel with the ECFMG Foundation to perform the USMLE exam, known as the EMSWP channel, and the scientific assistant to the college dean, Dr. Ali Mansour, said that all legal and technical procedures have been completed to work on making the College of Medicine one of the Iraqi colleges accredited as a mediator with ECFMG Foundation to Take the USMLE Exam Noting that there is a sub-committee supervising this exam which is NBME and on this occasion we are bleeding this human for doctors who want to take the aforementioned exam to submit their credentials Vevification Form) to send to the institution above and by creating this channel the identification documents signed and sealed by the Faculty of Medicine Karbala is reliable with the above establishment. Likewise, it can be sent to the institution by professors in our college who have an account user’s entry to the institution’s system directly without the need to contact the institution mentioned by the examiner doctor, which is based in America …………

Note: For information, see Dr. Ali Mansour, head of the college’s Microbiology branch