تدريسي من كلية الطب يقدم اقتراحاً لعلاج المرض الذي يسببه فايروس كورونا المستجد

اقترح احد تدريسي كلية الطب جامعة كربلاء وهو الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور علي منصور (دكتوراه اختصاص الاحياء المجهرية والمناعة السريرية) رئيس فرع الاحياء المجهرية عقارا لفايروس كورونا المستجد ( كوفيد ١٩)
ما يمكن ان يساهم في حل هذه الازمة وطريقا في الشفاء منه يمكن ان يسجل نقطه هامة وتطور ملحوظ في سجلات اطباء العراق في مجال هذا التخصص
وقد حضي هذا الاقتراح بتأييد وتشجيع مجموعة من زملائه الاطباء التدريسين
وادناه نص المقترح الذي ايده مجموعة من اساتذة الكلية

: A novel treatment for Covid 19
Let me speak about new suggestion for treatment of Covid 19. Please forward my message to those who are in charge.
As RNA dependant RNA polymerase is unique for the virus that is to say there is no similar molecule in the human cells. I suggest trying RNA dependant RNA polymerase inhibitor as a therapeutic agent. We have Suramin share this effect together with being protease inhibitor. Again protease is vital for Corona viruses replication. Besides, Suramin has much less side effects than does chloroquine and its derivatives hydroxychloroquin. By the way, the latter agent has no known mechanism of action against the virus, but it is thought to block the viral entery to the cell. Suramin has been tried recently to treat Covid 19 and the authors are still waiting for the results.
Another drug was tested together with over 100 molecules via Iraqi authors from University of Kufa using a proteomic study to test the ability of these molecules as RNA inhibitor and or protease inhibitor of Covid 19. Only few molecules were shown to be effective in this regard among which was the quinolon derivative, Norfloxacin. The latter agent was suggested by the committee of Covid 19 therapeutics in Kerbala Health Directorate that recommend Norfloxacin as an adjunct therapy for Covid 19 recently.
Assistant professor Ali Mansoor Al Ameri
College of Medicine /University of Kerbala